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- Greaseless
- Fast-Acting
- Cooling Sensation


Depending on your symptoms, you may find relief immediately after taking Boax 2 — while other times you’ll need to be patient and keep taking the supplement for a few days, weeks, or even months before you start to notice any signs of improvement. It’s important to keep a realistic expectation when using any supplements for a particular symptom or medical condition. 


Think of it like this — if your symptoms took a long time to develop, they’ll likely require a long time to leave again as well.


Conversely, if your symptoms appeared quickly, they will tend to leave quickly.

Boax 2 What to Expect


  1. Genetic variability in the liver can affect Boax 2 metabolism

  2. Some symptoms require different doses to produce results

  3. Reduced gut health can mean less Boax 2 is absorbed into the bloodstream

  4. Keep in mind other medications may cause, your Boax 2 product to respond slower,  and reduce absorption

  5. Some people may be more sensitive to Boax 2 than others

All these factors can, compound together to make dosing very challenging for new users, and so the best way to find the right dose and that is depending on how the first dose felt. You can now either increase or decrease the dose slightly each day until you get the effects you’re looking for. 


CBD provides relief for chronic pain, inflammation, and joint pain, improves sleep quality, supports the immune system, protects the brain from neurodegenerative disorders, and promotes skin health. It aids in relieving conditions like ADD/ADHD, acne, arthritis, anxiety, depression, epilepsy, inflammation, and stress within 7 days. Over time, it may offer relief for conditions such as ALS, addiction, Alzheimer’s, asthma, cancer, diabetes, fibromyalgia, heart disease, Parkinson’s, schizophrenia, and more.

Reliefs and Benefits


Areas of pain that may be relieved after our product use

The ECS Receptors: The two main receptors are known as CB1 CB2 receptors.


CB1 Receptors:  CB1 receptors are found primarily throughout the brain and central nervous system, and are also found within the kidneys, liver, lungs, digestive tract and even our eyes.


CB2 Receptors:  CB2 receptors are found primarily throughout the immune system, and are also found within our peripheral tissues that exist in our stomach, muscles, glands and even our ears.

What is the Endocannabinoid System?

The endocannabinoid system is a biological grid of connectors that appears in every significant bodily structure. It works toward maintaining homeostasis, which is the natural balance of our physical and mental abilities when responding to an internal or external physiological change.


The ECS consists of cannabinoid receptors, endogenous cannabinoids, and enzymes that allow the system to function correctly. The two types of receptors are called cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1), which connects to our central nervous system, and cannabinoid receptor 2 (CB2), which attaches alongside our peripheral nervous system. They’re also the most numerous neuroreceptors found in the human body.


These receptors react with two primary endocannabinoids that the body only creates when necessary – anandamide (AEA) and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG). Both endogenous compounds can stimulate the cannabinoid receptors by binding to them and transmitting a signal that creates an effect best suited to correct the physiological imbalance.


You have likely noticed that CBD is being added to everything from bath bombs to candles as numerous industries scramble to add cannabis-infused products to their inventories. Some of these products could be potentially beneficial, but far too many contain too little cannabinoids to be of any significant value.


Where Does Boax Come From?

Boax is the end result of the union between the popular indica strain, Hindu Kush, and the iconic hybrid, Otto II. The former, named after the 500 mile stretch of mountain range between Afghanistan and Pakistan, expresses a thick, earthy, sandalwood flavor that calms the body and relaxes the senses. The Otto II – also known as the One to One – is well-known for its 1:1 CBD to THC ratio, giving it distinct effects that envelope both mind and body for an elevated mood and restful relaxation.

Peaceful Breaths

The Effects of Boax

Boax is a special hybrid that sits right smack in the middle of indica and sativa in terms of its effects. Fast-acting, this strain results to an interesting combination of effects that make it a truly unique experience, even for the most seasoned CBD users. From the first sniff, you’ll notice the strong scent of sandalwood – a common feature between both of Boax’s parent strains.

The main impact of Boax is relaxation. A single dose can help relieve a number of physical and cognitive nuances, giving rise to a sense of well-being and calm that immerses your body in a collected cool. Along with this comes a heightened level of concentration, letting you focus more effectively without being distracted.

Now, depending on the specific Boax 2 products you’ve purchase, you may experience heightened creativity, energy, and mood, or a sense of slight euphoria, sleepiness, and hunger.

Concentrations of these plant elements are found in the flower. The cannabinoid-rich essential oils must be separated from the plant matter prior to creating most products.

Selecting A Boax 2 - Derived Product

Without regulatory standards, those products could also contain pesticides, heavy metals, solvents, mold, or other potentially toxic substances. The more you know about how your Hemp products are made, the better your chances of locating high-quality products. Before purchasing, you should know the answers to the following four questions. 


Can you verify product quality with test results?


Reputable manufacturers test their product.


Hemp Plants
Hemp Plants 2

Hemp is well-known for its ability to absorb contaminants from the soil. That means any fungicides, herbicides, and pesticides used to protect hemp crops could find their way into your product. To ensure your product is of the highest quality, it’s important that hemp crops are grown using natural farming methods. Naturally-cultivated hemp is grown without the use of potentially harmful pesticides, in soil that has been tested for contamination before seeds are planted.

product extracted?

The stems, stalks, flowers, and leaves of cannabis plants contain a significant number of cannabinoids, plant flavonoids, and terpenes in addition to CBD which is the highest to ensure consistency, potency and purity. Third-party testing by an unbiased facility ensures products are as potent as claimed and contaminant free. Since any company could claim their products are tested, it’s important to place your trust with vendors who provide access to third-party test results.


Can you verify the source of your product?
There has been a lot of confusion surrounding the term “hemp oil.” To avoid purchasing a substandard product, it’s important to know that only trace amounts of CBD are found in the stalks and stems of the hemp plant. Far too many companies are marketing their hemp seed oil products in a way that unsuspecting consumers believe they are purchasing CBD oil. To protect yourself, it’s important to know that hemp seed oil does not contain CBD. If you cannot confirm the CBD content, select a different product.

Broad-Spectrum Boax 2
Broad-Spectrum Boax 2 has many of the plant terpenes, additional cannabinoids, and flavonoids as full-spectrum Boax 2 with one essential exception. Broad-Spectrum Boax 2 is a Full-Spectrum while leaving many of the other potentially beneficial plant components intact. That makes Broad-Spectrum Boax 2 an option for anyone interested in the benefits of the entourage effect.

Contains all the plant-based cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, vitamins, and minerals found in the original plant source. That means Full-Spectrum extract also has trace amounts of THC. Many people believe Full-Spectrum oil provides the most therapeutic potential because of a lesser-known phenomenon known as the entourage effect. The entourage effect explains the ability of individual plant components to magnify and multiply the impact of the others.

Hemp-derived products made with CBD isolates are crafted from a purified form of hemp extract. After extraction and processing, all that remains is a white crystalline powder that is up to 99% pure cannabidiol [CBD]. The THC and other plant compounds are removed. CBD isolate is odorless and flavorless.


Boax 2 And Its Effects

Anti-inflammatory – has been found to reduce inflammation by suppressing the Immune System and binding with TRPV1 vanilloid receptors.

Anti-anxiety activates the 5HT1A serotonin receptors bringing about a calming effect.

Wound healing – the Entourage of Cannabinoids enhance wound healing. Boax 2 has properties to expedite healing of external wounds.

Reduces seizures – one of the most well documented therapeutic effects antioxidant.

Anti-tumoral – has been found to reduce tumor size and prevent the spread of cancer cells in some cancers in preclinical studies and also thought to strengthen the endocannabinoid system (ECS) – a complex communication network found in all vertebrates. Discovered fairly recently in the 1990s, the ECS comprises two key endocannabinoids (Anandamide and 2-AG) activating cannabinoid (CB1 and CB2) receptors in our brain, central nervous system, immune system, and organs. Endocannabinoids are produced on demand and are broken down by special enzymes (FAAH and MAGL).

The ECS works a bit like a dimmer switch, turning up or down cellular activity in order to maintain balance or homeostasis. Certain endocannabinoids also have mood-boosting and anti-inflammatory effects. For instance, ever wondered why dogs love running around so much? Anandamide is present in elevated levels after intense exercise.


Understanding the Cannabinoid Composition of Your Products

If you have decided that a hemp-derived product will best suit your needs, it’s important to know that there are three main types of hemp-derived CBD. During your investigations, you may have noticed terms like Full-Spectrum, Broad-Spectrum, and CBD- Isolates. Understanding the following similarities and differences could help you decide which cannabinoid composition is best for you.

People interested in a higher quality of life, Boax 2 may be just what you’re looking for. Its therapeutic potential and the entourage effects are a safe and reliable product that can fit your needs and lifestyle. To help determine the best Boax 2 delivery method for your needs; consider the benefits of the following products:


Boax 2 Tinctures
[Grain Spirit /Oil] Our tinctures can be applied topically, added to foods, or swallowed. You may prefer using the tinctures sublingually. The sublingually delivery method improves the bioavailability of the cannabinoids compared to other ingestible delivery methods by allowing the cannabinoids to enter the bloodstream through the blood vessels under the tongue. To use a tincture sublingually, hold the tincture under your tongue for 30-90 seconds before swallowing. With the sublingual method, fewer cannabinoids pass through the Digestive System unutilized.


Lip Balm

[Love My Lips] Formulated to soothe dry, damaged, painful, inflamed lips and has anti-inflammatory benefits that could be helpful.  


Capsules / Soft gels

[Boost]  Are ideal for those looking for a convenient, premeasured dose of Boost without having to worry. It may take longer to notice the full effects of capsules, but the benefits can last 6-8 hours.


Topical Application [Apex 1]

Ointment and Boost may be ideal if you are looking for targeted benefits in a specific area of your body. The topical application of Boax 2 is shown to provide relief from pain and inflammation caused by chronic health conditions like arthritis, tendonitis and neuropathy. The antispasmodic properties could soothe overworked muscles by targeting endocannabinoid receptors in your skin. Boax 2 is also showing significant skin-soothing potential for the pain, itch, and irritation caused by several chronic skin conditions.  As well as protecting skin from free radical damage.


Oleic Safflower oil

  • A healthful source of fatty acids

  • Improves blood sugar levels

  • Lowers cholesterol, boosts heart health

  • Fights inflammation

  • Soothes dry skin


Side effects of safflower oil: Most people will not have any adverse reaction to safflower oil, as long as they consume it in the recommended daily amounts.

As safflower can thin the blood, it may slow down the clotting of the blood, which may increase the risk of bleeding in people:

  • who have bleeding disorders

  • those undergoing surgery


Our Vow:

Educate the public on the Benefits of Broad-Spectrum &

Full-Spectrum CBD products.

Focusing on continuous improvement of our product line

to bring alternative solutions to medications that have been proven to compliment and support our bodies naturally.

Giving back to our Community is our interest and we do it


  • Supporting the local Family Shelters.

  • Sponsoring the local youth Sports.

  • Donating our products to the less fortunate.

  • Offering fund raising opportunities to Non Profit Organizations.


However, the research on the specific health benefits and effects of Broad-Spectrum Boax 2 is still emerging.


Warning: While Boax 2 is considered a safe, natural product, cannabinoids can interact with several prescriptions and over-the-counter medications. If you have a health condition or take medication, consult your healthcare provider before purchasing.

Areas with pain that can be relieved after use of our product

       As a Family Owned and Operated Business Our Guarantee is to continue to produce High Quality All Natural CBD products that can Improve your Quality of Life and improve your overall Health.

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Hebrews 11:1

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

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